Monday, October 2, 2017

Big G in the mountains of Michigan.

On September 30 Big G went up a large bluff near Bessemer. It was a cool day in the valley but on top of the hill it was warm. Big G was quite a mountain climber! He went up and down rocks as no human could!
Sandy is feeling much better these days. This climb was quite a feat. I thank God for her every day.
The Big G

In the middle of the woods on top of a hill!

Big G looking out!

He ran all day!

He stops for a second!

So happy to have Sandy back!

What a great view!
We will be back!

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Big G visits a Wisconsin Island.

I rode my bike Big G was very happy to run along side. It was a happy day.

That's my boy!

Never get him near the water!

Monday, April 3, 2017

Big G visits Bad Water and horse Race Rapids the same day!

It is so great Sandy is feeling better these days. She has returned to the trail with the Big G. I thank God for Sandys improved health. Remember to be thankful for all God has given you! Make the most of every day. 

Lots of wood!
Great to have Sandy back out with us!!!!!

Big G and Sandy at the Rapids

Me and my dog!

Strange drink of water!

Big G on Bridge

Sunday, March 26, 2017

South Reservation


Big g visits Lake Antone

Big G went to visit Lake Antone on 3/11. It was a very cold day. Galileo was glad to come home. 

It's Cold!!!!!
Sitting on a park bench.

Running the beach!

Smelling the Campground.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Galileo visits Badwater Lake

Today the big G visited Badwater lake on the Michigan Wisconsin border. He had a blast. He was excited to see bare ground. It has been a long time since we have seen bare ground around here. Spring is on its way! We spent our time on the Wisconsin side. The big G ran and ran and ran. 

Big G at the lake

Big G on a rock near open water. I wish I would have brought my fishing gear!

He is running!!!!

Galileo the bridge to Michigan is closed.
It did not stop him. This bridge is fun to jump off of in the summer. Not today!

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Big G visits snowmobile trail.

The Big G went over to Wisconsin today and went on the snowmobile trail. Sandy has not been well and we have not gone on as many trips or any of any distance. Galileo misses her coming along. Prayers for Sandy are sure welcome.
Handsome dog!!!!

Big G driving

Looking at bridge

Wonder what he sees
He used to be afraid of this bridge!


Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Galileo Visits the Spring from the Indiana Mine

The Big G visited the spring today
Always investigating

Always excited to go!

At the spring

I tried to catch him at the spring... But he ran off!

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Big G visits Cowboy Lake

The Big G went out to Cowboy Lake. 
Cowboy lake is a nice little beach in the summer. The water is warm. It is a black water lake and heats rapidly. Since it is above a dam the water circulates in the lake and is fresher than most lakes.

Big G did not swim on this winter day. Big G is afraid of open water!

 What is this hole for?????
Big G inspects the fish

Heading to the beach